Habitat for humanity

imagesThe Internship program of Habitat for Humanity International is designed to provide current students and recent college graduates with opportunities to gain professional experience in various fields. Through paid and unpaid international and domestic opportunities, Habitat for Humanity interns will receive a substantive learning experience that includes professional training and mentoring.

How to Apply

Review the internship opportunities listed on Habitat’s job search database.
Complete an online application for position(s) of interest. Be sure to copy and paste your resume!

Selection Process

Applications and resumes are sent to the Internship Coordinator for review. Selected resumes are then sent to the Assignment Supervisor for review. If you are selected, the Internship Coordinator will contact you to schedule an interview. Once the position has been filled, all applicants will receive notification of the status of their application by mail or email.


Intern candidates must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Major in the field of the internship (or related field).
  • Maintain a professional appearance, be enthusiastic and strive to obtain a learning experience.

Course Credit Interns

Interns that are obtaining course credits contingent upon assignment requirements may obtain assistance from the Intern Coordinator in fulfilling those requirements.

Assignment Schedules

Internship assignment schedules may vary in hours and shifts. These schedules will be determined by your Assignment Supervisor. Some assignments may include evening and weekend scheduling.

Full internship Report Lacy Marroquin, Summer 2011

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