Holly Minarcik

Holly worked with Meridian Logistic in Austin during the summer of 2011. The company works to provide lower shipping rates within US and Internationally with a great level of customer service. Holly worked on making sure that shipments are tracked and delivered correctly. She also audited the invoices and when there are differences between the quotes and invoices, she had to communicate with all the stakeholders and resolve the issues. Holly got an opportunity to get an hands on the software program “Sales Force”, she entered all the customer data in sales force and organized all the data.

Courses that helped

  • AGEC 105
  • AGEC 217
  • AGEC 340
  • AGEC 315

Internship experience thumbnail Holly Minarcik

Click here to download Internship Presentation Slides Holly Minarcik “Meridian Logistics”

Video Internship Report Holly Minarcik, Summer 2011

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